The Happy Bouquet


In the language of flowers, happiness finds expression through the vibrant hues within a bouquet. The Happy Bouquet encapsulates this emotion – a celebration of joy, happiness, and tenderness. Inspired by a mother's boundless love for her daughter on her birthday, The Happy Bouquet features a delightful blend of tropical flowers sourced from Bali's lush landscapes and roses grown in Jawa island. This includes majestic Balinese anthuriums, gladiolus, and alstroemerias from Central Bali, as well as a variety of semi-Holland roses, fragrant tuberoses, fillers, and seasonal greens, all elegantly wrapped in soft-colored cellophane and adorned with a ribbon.

With each order, a special touch is added in the form of a Bali Florist greeting card, enhancing the heartfelt sentiment behind The Happy Bouquet.

Please be aware that the color of anthuriums may vary based on farm availability, presenting a spectrum that includes pink, red, dark red, white, and green pistache.

*Disclaimer: Flowers are gifts of nature and availability is dependent upon the season and markets. Therefore, not all designs will be exactly as pictured. In the event that a particular bouquet or colour combination cannot be met, our creative team will do their utmost to provide you with the next best arrangement. By continuing, you are acknowledging there may be some variation in colour palette and flowers/container used.

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